Date: ________________________________________
Course name: ________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________
Details of feedback/complaint
Please provide details of your feedback. Include dates, persons, and any pertinent information.
EDUMAX Training Consultancy want everything to be of optimum service to you. Yet it may happen that you are not satisfied. You can of course submit your complaints or comments to us. We will treat these in trust and try to find a solution in consultation with you.
EDUMAX Training Consultancy takes the following procedure into account:
1. Deadline for complaint
Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted to EDUMAX Training Consultancy in a timely, complete and clear manner.
By 'timely' is meant 'within a reasonable period after the (prospective) course participant has discovered or could have detected the defects'. Failure to submit the complaint on time may result in the (prospective) student losing his or her rights in this matter.
2. Knowability
Complaints must be sent to EDUMAX Training Consultancy in writing or by e-mail, to be made known through:
- EDUMAX Training Consultancy
Operations and Customer Relations Director Mrs. M. Maxwell
Wilhelminastraat 100
- Or by e-mail, att. Operations and Customer Relations Director, Mrs. M.Maxwell, with subject 'Complaint'.
EDUMAX Training Consultancy only handles written complaints. EDUMAX Training Consultancy advises the student to send the complaint by registered mail or to request an e-mail confirmation of receipt. The (prospective) student gives a motivated explanation of the content of the complaint. The (prospective) course participant also mentions the course (variant), the location and the name of the lecturer to promote an early completion.
If the problem is relatively simple and quick to resolve, the problem can be made known by telephone EDUMAX Training Consultancy will then propose a solution as soon as possible.
3. Privacy
A complaint will be made by EDUMAX Training Consultancy always be treated confidentially.
4. Confirmation of complaint
EDUMAX Training Consultancy shall send a written acknowledgment of receipt to the complainant within five working days of receipt of the written complaint. If a solution cannot be offered immediately, this letter will also give an indication of the period within which a further investigation will be started, and the complaint will be dealt with.
5. Investigate complaint
EDUMAX Training Consultancy. undertakes to start a further investigation into the submitted complaint and endeavors to take measures within a reasonable period with which the complainant can agree.
6. Reaction to the research
EDUMAX Training Consultancy. will correspond with the complainant within the period communicated under point 4 regarding the outcome of the investigation, the decision taken and any follow-up actions.
7. Dispute resolution
If the complaint cannot be resolved by agreement, a dispute arises that is susceptible to dispute.
a) Disputes between (prospective) course participant and EDUMAX Training Consultancy. the establishment or performance of agreements about services and goods to be delivered or delivered by this entrepreneur can be brought by both the consumer and the entrepreneur to the Geschillencommissie Particuliere Onderwijsinstellingen, Bordewijklaan 46, PO Box 90.600, 2509 LP The Hague
b) The Disputes Committee will only deal with a dispute if the consumer first submits his to EDUMAX Training Consultancy. submitted and this did not lead to a satisfactory solution for both parties. To subsequently submit the dispute to the Disputes Committee, the complainant must indicate in writing that the outcome of the complaints procedure has not led to a satisfactory result. If the advertiser subsequently mentions to appeal to the Disputes Committee, this is a formal dispute.
c) A dispute must be brought before the Disputes Committee within three months of its occurrence.
d) For the handling of a dispute, the complainant owes a fee of € 75 to the Disputes Committee for Private Educational Institutions.
e) When the (prospective) course participant submits a dispute to the Disputes Committee, EDUMAX Training Consultancy is, for example, bound to this choice.
f) When EDUMAX Training Consultancy submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, it must first ask the (prospective) course participant in writing to state within 5 weeks whether he agrees to this. EDUMAX Training Consultancy e.g. must thereby announce that, after expiry of the period, it considers itself free to submit the dispute to the ordinary court.
g) When dealing with a dispute by the independent Disputes Committee for Private Educational Institutions, the General Conditions of the NRTO member EDUMAX Training Consultancy and NRTO's Code of Conduct for the ruling.
h) The Disputes Committee shall decide with due observance of the provisions of its regulations. The decision of the Disputes Committee takes the form of a binding recommendation.
i) In only those cases for which a formal statutory dispute resolution scheme is provided for in formal education, such as that for examining the student, the provisions of paragraphs a through h of this Disputes Regulation are not applicable.
j) For feedback/complaint from companies, go to Code of Conduct Business to Business, article 4.10 Complaint procedure.
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