Conflict Management
This course will familiarize the learner with contending, one of the most important bilateral strategies used in conflict situations.
Why do people contend? What are the contentious tactics commonly used? You will learn how to recognize them and cope with them.
This course also takes a long, hard and often lighthearted look at what you can do to deal with the people who seem to delight in making your life miserable. Learn to co-exist with all kinds of difficult people – from know-it-alls to bullies, backstabbers and more – and free yourself from their grip.
Target audience: Anyone who wants to deal more effectively with conflicts and who has already followed a discussion skills training, for example
Effective Discussion Skills or similar.
During this course the following topics will be discussed and the course participant will know and be able to execute them.
· Three Simple Contentious Tactics
· Dealing with Gamesmanship
· Handling Threats and Irrevocable Commitments
· The best comeback to a biting or sarcastic remark
· What to do when someone starts yelling or threatens you
· The one mistake people make that’s guaranteed to escalate conflict
· What to do when your “difficult person” is your boss
· When to call in a third party to resolve a stalemate
· How to know when YOU are the difficult one
How do we work?
The most important aspect of the training is practice. We dedicate 60% of the time there to. The results of the training are therefore directly applicable. Attention for each and every participant is the next characteristic of the training. As a consequence, we train in groups of no more than 12 participants. With tasks based on practice for the periods between the two sections, you immediately apply what you have learned. Needless to say that a professional approach, with the aid of instruction movies, video recordings and text books, form part of the program.
The duration of this course is divided in 5 sessions of 3 hours.
Start date:
Lesson days: once a week.
Classes: 6pm- 9pm
Teaching fees: Awg 775-: included lesson material.
Study load: About 2 extra hours per meeting.
After successful completion of this training you will receive the certificate 'Conflict management'.
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