

This workshop focuses on the theoretical and practical techniques used in selling goods and services. Emphasis is given to developing practical skills in presenting goods and services to prospective buyers. Attention is devoted to the art of persuasion as a life-skill and to the need to develop professional relationships in business.



Who should follow this workshop?


Those who wish to improve their sales techniques.

During this workshop the following topics will be discussed and the course participant will know and be able to execute them.


·      Definitions and Methods of Personal Selling

·      Advantages and Disadvantages of personal selling

·      Selling skills and personal characteristics

·      Types of personal selling

·      Retail Salesperson selling techniques, process and phases

·      Effective Selling: suggestion selling, relationship marketing

·      Interactive activities



The duration of this workshop is divided in 5 sessions of 3 hours.

Start date: upon request

Lesson days: once a week

Classes: 6pm- 9pm

Workshop fee: Awg 875-: included lesson material.


You receive a Certificate of Completion for the SALES workshop.